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Strategy F

Eliminate adult behaviors and policies that lead to disproportionality; provide growth-oriented support

Related directions recommended in inter-district work sessions.

• Increase and strengthen support and mentorship for under-served students within and out of school

• Increase student support services/staffing – emotional/physical health, language, cultural liaisons, etc.

• Review discipline and other school policies for equity

• Review and revise student behavior and other policies with a race and cultural-conscious lens

Phase 1

     A. Implement a culture change in adult perspectives and behaviors

     B. Review our discipline policies through an equity lens and remove subjective language

     C. Hold adults responsible and track behavior by adults’ send-outs from class

     D. Build leadership capacity in the district from the school board on down

     E. Transform curriculum to support high student engagement

Phase 2

     F. Develop a teacher rubric emphasizing relationship-building and student engagement

     G. Develop practices for hiring school staff who believe in growth-oriented student support

Desired Outcomes

     • Equal access to classes and reduction in suspension in school

     • Uniformity and equity in student behavior standards and support

     • Behavior policies enforced consistently and equitably

     • Unified support for growth-oriented student support vs. punitive approaches

     • Culturally relevant curriculum systemwide

     • Collective (40+ districts) to support lasting change for students

AMSD hosted a strategy session on Monday, April 15 that addresses some elements for Reimagine Minnesota Strategy Session F

Monday, April 15, 2019

8:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Quora Education Center

70 West County Road B2, Little Canada

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Improved Student Relationships

We know the student’s day-to-day experience in the classroom has the highest impact on the student’s emotional and academic success. Systemically strengthening the skillset of our teachers can address many of our Reimagine MN strategies: Cultural Competence, Personalized Education, Student Voice, Cultural Inclusivity, and Adult Behaviors.

This session highlighted successes from districts systematizing learning from the National Urban Alliance and AFT’s Professional Development Program. Representatives from Education Minnesota’s equity team shared the systemic work of their FIRE equity leaders program.


8:30 Greeting and Context-Setting – Dr. Jean Lubke

8:40 Community Builder – Dawn Fedora and Ann Schwartz

8:55 Success Stories in the Classroom and in Districts – the Teachers’ Perspective

• Jackie Roehl, Edina, HS ELA

• Elizabeth Hillstrom, Edina, HS ELA

• Dawn Fedora – former Eden Prairie GT, instructional coach

• Ann Schwartz – Wayzata

• Allison LaBree – Education MN, Education Issues Specialist (AFT ER&D)

• Jonathan Kim – Education MN, Education Issues Specialist (FIRE equity)

10:20 BREAK

10:30 Success Stories in Districts – the Administrators’ Perspective
• Dr. Aldo Sicoli, Superintendent, Roseville Area Schools
• Dr. Rev PM Crowley Hillstrom, Director of Educational Equity, Osseo Area Schools

11:00 Pedagogy of Confidence
• Dr. Eric Cooper, Founder and President, National Urban Alliance

11:30 Opportunity to Collaborate
• Dr. Aldo Sicoli, Superintendent, Roseville Area Schools

• Dr. Jean Lubke, Executive Director, Equity Alliance MN

12:00 Adjournment



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